Subject: [How to] Exploit Trend’ds for Profit
Subject: [How to] Find & Exploit Hidden Sub-Niches in Seconds


Question: What’s Trending Right Now… Any Idea?

I’ll be honest… I don’t have a bloody clue what’s cool, I don’t have my finger on the pulse, and I have no idea what’s buzzing right now… do you?

No… well you really should, and so should I, because those latest trends are making ‘In the Know Marketers’ stacks of cash.

How to be an ‘In the Know Marketer’ in seconds
Enter – Trendds (SaaS) -> LINK
What is trendds?

Think of a well know software platform beginning with Buzz and ending with Sumo

Now imagine if you had access to a software which did a very similar thing but in a slightly different way and with added capabilities…


• It finds you the most powerful, Most Shared / Viral content, trends and breakouts based on your keyword (that means; lots of interest and hungry traffic).

• It shows you related ‘long-tail phrases (based on the viral content you are interested in)… enabling you to rank organically quickly and easily

• Oh, and what about if that software gave you the option to monetize any content you choose to curate so you have the potential to profit from any/all content (even though you didn’t actually produce the content)

• And then it gave you two killer options

1. Build / deploy, trend specific targeted / monetized blogs from curated content

2. Plug your existing blogs into the SaaS and post curated and monetized content from one dash

Oh, yeah, I nearly forgot… what if there were NO recurring costs to use the software!

A web based software that did all that would be cool right?
Well… That’s pretty much what trendds is, and what it does…

Watch This Demo [LINK]

So, you’re right down there with the kids, chances are you’re missing out on hundreds of massively profitable opportunities which are often incredibly easy to break into (think of the old IM phrase ‘Low Hanging Fruit)…

See how trendds exploits profitable hidden sub-niches in seconds -> LINK

Subject: [New] Trend Blogging is EASY – Never Write a Word
Subject: Huff Post Makes 30k per day doing This (Demo)


Viral and trending content is todays version of what we used to call ‘Low Hanging Fruit’.

…and if you’re new to online marketing ‘Low Hanging Fruit’ basically means keywords which have interest, traffic and can be ranked for pretty easily.

Those days were great, but really don’t exist as they used to…
Which is why ‘In The Know Marketers’ now use trending phases, subjects and content in much the same way.

And it’s actually much easier…
Let me explain

1. You find trending / viral phrases, subjects & sub niches
2. You write or curate content that fits the trending subject
3. You post that content on a blog, news site, or social media channel (or all)
4. And you monetize it

You’ve obviously seen sites like Huffington Post right?
Well they make nearly $30k every day using the same formula.

And this software enables you to do the same, no I don’t mean you will make 30k per day, but you will get results & it takes seconds.


Step 1. Log into trendds (web based software)
Step 2. Enter a broad phrase (keyword) & the software will find the trending content relating to your broad phrase, showing you the biggest viral phrases and content
Step 3. Choose the content from the results
Step 4. Monetize by adding related products (with your affiliate links embedded – you can do this from the trendds dashboard
Step 5. Post the curated and monetized content to your own blogs or news sites…

*you can connect your sites to trendds which enables you to post instantly without needing to log into your sites*

So why does this work?
People are addicted to the latest trends, and viral content. Trending subjects are often easy to rank for organically, so you quickly get targeted traffic.

And because you have in-built monetization you generate income… without ever having to write a word (all content is curated)

Watch this demo for full details – Click Here [LINK]

Subject: Paid to Share Other Peoples Content
Subject: Profit from Today’s News (seconds per day)

It sounds crazy doesn’t it… getting paid to share other people’s content.

But that’s exactly what many of the biggest news and trending subject sites are doing. And they make an absolute fortune in the process.

E.G. Huffington post make close to 30k every day

How you can do the very same thing in seconds per day (on a much smaller scale)

First… check out ‘trendds’ [LINK] this is the cloud based software which opens up the same opportunities currently used by sites like Huff Post, BuzzFeed etc

View Here [LINK]

How does it work?
Step 1. Log into trendds (web based software)
Step 2. Enter a broad phrase (keyword) & the software will find the trending content relating to your broad phrase, showing you the biggest viral phrases and content
Step 3. Choose the content from the results
Step 4. Monetize by adding related products (with your affiliate links embedded – you can do this from the trendds dashboard
Step 5. Post the curated and monetized content to your own blogs or news sites…

*you can connect your sites to trendds which enables you to post instantly without needing to log into your sites*

So why does this work?
People are addicted to the latest trends, and viral content. Trending subjects are often easy to rank for organically, so you quickly get targeted traffic.

And because you have in-built monetization you generate income… without ever having to write a word (all content is curated)

Watch this demo for full details – Click Here [LINK]

Subject: Unlock The ‘Secret' Viral Content System
Subject: The ‘Secret' Viral Content System Making Upto 29k per day.


You’ve probably heard this saying a million times – “Content Is King”…
The fact is, it’s true.
When you look at the massive success of the Internet, it’s all based around solid content. It’s the very foundation of what drives revenue for some of the biggest blogs and news media websites in the world.

They Make $29,896 per day [LINK]

Can you imagine if you were able to even make a FRACTION of the money this site and others just like it are making every single day, but with 99% LESS work?

This is How To Unlock The ‘Secret' Viral Content System without writing a single word.

Watch this ‘trendds’ demo [LINK]